Saturday, December 1, 2007

New Albatross News

Remember when I wrote about satellite tagging the albatross a few months ago? They're still getting data from 2 birds, so it's worth checking out where they've been. I'm sure they've put on more miles than many of you.

There is also a good albatross article in National Geographic magazine this month. It's very well written and you get details about what it's like that I sometimes don't give you.

We spent the day today marking nests and banding birds. I think the majority of birds have nested so it will take a little less time each week. I'll show you a picture of one of the birds we tagged. I don't know if it's one that's still transmitting or not.
These birds are nesting in the parade field.

1 comment:

Peggy said...

I just finished reading my latest copy of The National Geographic. I was going to e-mail you about the article, but I see that you already know about it. The Laysan Albatross get a mention!

They really are beautiful birds. I'd love to see one flying someday.