A barge came in this week bringing equipment and materials for our taxiway repair project. With our lead based paint abatement still going on, there's a lot of activity. We have to do these kinds of projects while the albatrosses are gone because it's really difficult to move equipment around when they are everywhere.
We're losing 9 of our Thai workers tomorrow, since it's the last day of the fiscal year. Most of them have been out here more than 6 years with one leaving after 17 years. We'll miss them and all the work that they do out here.

The barge is being brought into the atoll by a tug.
The barge is quite a bit bigger than the Kahana. They have to go back to Hawaii to get more materials and will come back in a couple of weeks.
It's been windy and rainy lately. Only one big section of a tree has fallen so far, but it's supposed to be windy throughout the week. I'm glad there are no albatross around that would be squashed.
The old theater at the Midway Mall has been treated and painted to take care of the flaking lead paint.
A White-tailed tropicbird chick just hatched today. I hope the parent is just out getting some food and will be back to keep it warm and dry.
That WTTR looks so bedraggled! Hope it's parents came back! Thanks for the updates, Pete. Glad to hear there's an influx of activity on the island these days. :)
Hi, Pete!
How exactly did the Thai workers end up on Midway? It's not the first country to leap to mind for recruiting for a place like Midway. And while I know they did a ton of stuff all the time, were there clear cut duties they were contracted for? I've never quite understood how that worked. (But from what you've told us, there's no doubt they're a terrific group to have there.
The chick looks a bit disheveled, but to my untrained eye, pretty much every chick looks that way to me when they're first hatched and for a while afterwards.
Ryan, the tropicbird parents have been sitting with the chick most of the time so I haven't been able to get a new picture yet.
Pete, the Thai people (and formerly Sri Lankans and Filipinos) have been contractors out here since at least the 80's, apparently hired by subcontractors to the Navy back then. I don't know the details of the hiring practices, but they are a great bunch of guys and are great to work with.
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