Monday, November 3, 2008
Tern Island Blog
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
New Job
Today I went to Case Western Reserve University where Dasha is teaching a group of high school kids about plastic. I brought some albatross boluses (undigested stomach contents) and the kids dissected them and measured the squid beaks, plastic, fishing line, etc. Yesterday I gave them a presentation about the wildlife on Midway and the plastic issues. She showed them the BBC footage also. I went with them while they did a debris pick-up on the beach at Lake Erie last week, so it was almost like being on Midway.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Back Home
I'm not sure what's next on my agenda, but I doubt it will be blog-worthy. I will leave this blog up for people searching for Midway, but probably won't add to it unless I start to do something that's worth writing about.
Thanks to all of you who have commented and kept reading. I still can be emailed through my profile. I'm not posting any new pictures today, just a few representative pics.

Black-footed albatross with chick.
Old WWII Command Post.
One of the four cable houses.

Spinner Dolphin in the lagoon.
Native morning glory on the seawall with the fuel pier in the background.
The WWII pillbox on South Beach.

A Laysan Teal is stretches in the sun.
Red-footed boobies near South Beach.
Red-tailed tropic bird and chick.
Look through the older posts for more details.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Last Day
One More Day
My plane came in tonight and will stay until tomorrow night. There were quite a few familiar faces. One of the fire fighters that was here a couple years ago came back (Dave O.), one of the Nuclear Test Ban guys came back to work on his monitoring equipment (Bo), my timekeeper from Honolulu (Pat) who also brought me a very nice going away lei, and John H's wife Mali and grandaughter Angela (who flew out with me when I came out last June). I also got to meet Murray's girlfriend, Sarah, who has made a few blog comments lately. There were also a few other people on board who I will get to know a little better tomorrow. We were also supposed to have a medevac for another Japanese fisherman, but apparently he got better. It's going to be a busy day tomorrow, so goodnight.
I was a little too busy to take pictures today, so here's one of a white tern from a while ago.
I finally got a flying black-footed albatross picture that I like.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Eastern Island
I've only got 2 days left on Midway. So I hope all of you daily blog readers will find something else that can keep you busy for 2 minutes a day.
Brown noddies are on an old ironwood stump.
I haven't put a picture of a frigatebird chick yet, so here it is with its mom.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008
The Battle of Midway Commemoration

Our main speaker was Lieutenant Colonel H.C. (Hank) Stackpole, USMC (Ret.).
Chuck Wheeler was on the USS Enterprise during The Battle of Midway. He's pointing to his group.
A group is listenening to the story of George Cannon at the command post.
The Japanese Consul General came from Honolulu to honor the Japanese losses during the battle.
Some of the visitors are enjoying the beach just before sunset.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Spit Island
Tomorrow is our big day so I'm going to quit writing and get to bed.
Forest and Kim are checking out one of the popolo plants.
A red-footed booby chick seeing what's going on from its nest in a heliotrope tree.

Monday, June 2, 2008
Plant Work

Sunday, June 1, 2008
Boat Ride

This is the Safeboat that they'll take to Kure Atoll.

This is what Sand Island looks like from the north. It was pretty humid today so you can't see the island that well over the exposed reef.

This is from the south. The edge of the reef is a lot closer on this side of the island. This is the pillbox, old hangar, and water tower.
Beach Day
The Walnut took off today and the visitors left also. That's the last group until sometime after the birds come back. It'll be fairly quiet around here, but I'll be busy getting ready to leave. Just 1 week from tonight!

Saturday, May 31, 2008
Another Busy Day

Thursday, May 29, 2008
Busy Day
And speaking of the Coast Guard, a medevac plane (C-130) is coming in tonight. A person was sick on a cargo ship and we went out and picked him up outside of the atoll a couple of hours ago. They'll take him to Honolulu tonight.
We also went through our big marine debris pile and separated out all of the ropes and lines, glass, metal, and plastic. It was sort of fun to go through all that junk and see what has washed up over the last 2 years.

We needed the big telehandler forklift to sort through the net pile.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
66th Preparation
It was a perfect day today. I went for a swim at lunch and took this picture of Capt. Brooks' Tavern on the left and the Clipper House on the right.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Two of the visitors here now are sisters and attended school on Midway between 1976 and 1978 so it's been fun to talk to them. We have a yearbook from 1976 that has pictures of them in 3rd and 10th grades. They have some great stories and have a lot of information about where things were. They are really glad to be back and they said they have been reading my blog, which prepared them for things like the school being torn down. They are also disappointed that there aren't seashells all over North Beach like there were back then. They are happy they have the chance to bring their families to the place that they have such great memories of.
This white tern was sitting near the harbor waiting to feed its chick.
I left for about 30 minutes and found another tern (or maybe the same one) in the same spot with another meal for its chick. This is a little cuttlefish or squid.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Memorial Day
At 1:00 we started a patanque (pronounced patak) tournement. It is pretty much the same as bocce ball. It's 10:15 and still going on. Dave (airport manager) and I were partners and got knocked out at 8:30 so it was a good activity for the day.