Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Back Home

Well, after 1 year and over 57,000 pictures later, I'm back home. It was a wonderful experience in every aspect. The work was hard, but not stressful, the people were great, and the island and wildlife were amazing. I don't think I have to go into the details, because there's a couple hundred days of details on this blog. If you ever have a chance to get out there, do it!
I'm not sure what's next on my agenda, but I doubt it will be blog-worthy. I will leave this blog up for people searching for Midway, but probably won't add to it unless I start to do something that's worth writing about.
Thanks to all of you who have commented and kept reading. I still can be emailed through my profile. I'm not posting any new pictures today, just a few representative pics.

Green sea turtle underwater near the fuel pier.

Laysan albatross with chick.

Black-footed albatross with chick.

Old WWII Command Post.
One of the four cable houses.

Laysan albatross in flight.

Spinner Dolphin in the lagoon.

Native morning glory on the seawall with the fuel pier in the background.

Turtle Beach.

The WWII pillbox on South Beach.

Great frigatebirds fighting over a fish at sunset.

A Laysan Teal is stretches in the sun.

Red-footed boobies near South Beach.

Red-tailed tropic bird and chick.

White tern chick.

Look through the older posts for more details.


Anonymous said...

I have been reading your blog from almost the beginning and have really enjoyed it! It certainly has made me want to go there for a year or so too! Good luck in your next venture!

Laura P said...

Welcome back to the Mainland Pete! I hope everything works out for you in Cleveland!!! Hope to see you soon!

Nellie Northern said...

Thanks SO MUCH for sharing your adventure with us. The photos say it all. 57,000 of them!!!
The documentation of your stay on Midway will inspire others to make the trip, and to help make a difference in the world we live.
Good luck on whatever the next chapter in the book of life will be.
Nelson & Mona Klavitter

Unknown said...


Thanks for all the pics and daily updates from Midway. It was great to see my old home. Don't know how I'll get my Midway "fix" now. Guess I'll have to get back out there myself once the visitation program is in full swing.

Thanks again. Great Job! Good luck.

Brett Davis
Midway Resident 1974-1976
(2nd Grade - 4th Grade)

Unknown said...

Hi Pete,
Bruce Macky from the westernaustralia2011.com sailboat.
We have a few days in Halifax NS, and I have finally had enough time at a computer to look at your superb blog site. What a great job you have done. please may I use it as a resource for talks I have been asked to do?
We got to Hawaii in 8 days, and it took another 10 to fix the mast. We finally caught the rest of the fleet at Santa Cruz, and started racinbg to Panama 2 days later. Started with good wind, but it only lasted a few days so we ended up motoring most of the way to Panama. Had to stop in Costa Rica for an hour for more fuel. Going through the canal was really special. Race to Jamaica was a disaster, and we came last. Sailed under a cloud and had no wind for 4 hours while the others charged off at 10 knots.
Race to New York was in very light winds. We managed a second, then won the race to Halifax. Great excitement.
Hope you find some good work soon.
Remember there is always a bed at my place in Oz should you get down that way.

Kodak the Eskie said...

Welcome home! Good luck with your future plans. Thanks for sharing your experience.

Shoe said...

hola from Midway...your photos of dolphins and rays have me searching at the cargo pier every evening. I keep telling Murray I don't believe there are any here. Hopefully tomorrow will be my day. Nice meeting you. (Using Murray's login for my guest blog)----sara

Anonymous said...


I have really enjoyed your blog since visiting Midway and hope their is someone out there that will pick up the slack. You were never more than just one keystroke away every morning. Good luck with whatever your next assignment is. I will never forget late nite bon fires watching the stars. You know your constellations. Best of luck!

Peace Out

Steve O

Shammickite said...

Well.... I suppose all good things come to an end, or so they say, but I really hope you start another blog, or perhaps continue this one, with your next adventure.
I've enjoyed your descriptive writing, your pictures, your humour, and getting to know everyday life on Midway Island..
I've been in UK for 3 weeks, and I'm just checking blogs... and I was very disappointed to read that you are leaving the blogging world.
Hope to see you back soon.
Meanwhile, good luck with whatever you do with your life next!!!

Anonymous said...


A friend that was Midway with me just forwarded your Blog site to me. Thanks for the great running narrative and the photos. It brings back lots of memories. I was the Officer in Charge of what was named "NOPF Det Midway Island" at the time I was there but was more commonly referred to as "NAVFAC" and located on the south side of the runway at the western end of the island. Do you know if that was one of the facilities that was removed?


Unknown said...

All Great Photos !...

Ciao from Italy