The barge left yesterday and a plane came today and picked up most of the extra people that were around, so we're back to the usual around here. I had a relaxing day and took care of a bunch of computer work. Tomorrow I'll get back to getting rid of the verbesina and such. There's not a lot to report so here's some pictures from the last week.

Two Ornate Butterflyfish are swimming above the purple coral. It's a lot more purple than the picture shows.

I ate my lunch at Haleiwa Beach Park on my way up to the equipment training.

Here's what I was driving around and digging with.

This is Kauai from the plane window on the way back to Midway.
Gee Pete,
I sure missed your posts the few days you were in away. Love the underwater pictures.
Enjoy your wonderful weather. It was 22 degrees here this morning!
Great photo of the butterfly fish! If you've got Adobe photoshop you can adjust the colour balance to get the purple back in a bit.
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